Wednesday, November 20, 2013

3 Cs of Good Acting: CONNECTION


Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.-Chief Seattle

Connecting Your Performances
All things connect.  Do we believe this?  If we did, we would all be better for it.  Acting is all about connection in a variety of ways.  If you look at acting from the artistic standpoint, connection is its very core.  It is the actor’s job to connect to the material presented: the lines, the character, the subtext, the overall theme, etc.  Actors have to look at their work in the same way Chief Seattle viewed the human race: as threads within a larger web.  Everything is connected.  A line is never just a line.  A part is rarely just a part.  Everything has meaning and it is important to find ways to connect with any part you play, whether you have no lines or ninety-nine lines.  Actors need to connect artistically to every part they play.  The deeper the connection, the more believable the performance is.  

Find ways to connect to your character by making it less about method and more about understanding what is going on in the scene/play/film. Understand what the writer is trying to convey through your character.  Pay attention to the details and clues within the script itself: most of the connection you need is right there in front of you.  Be aware of the objectives (WHAT your character wants) and motivations (WHY your character acts) within the scene.  And above all else, LISTEN to the other actors onstage.  Pay attention to what is happening around you and allow yourself to stay connected to it.  Staying present onstage (and not on what is coming next or what has past) is crucial to an actor’s artistic connection.  In many ways, it is ALL that we have as actors. 

Connecting Your Career 
Acting is more than just an art; it is a business.  Connection will help you in the business side of acting as well.  Actors have to find ways to connect with industry professionals.  In the 21st century, there is no excuse to NOT be connected with other like-minded creatives or industry professionals.  Social media has literally changed the way we get our news and information and it has also opened the doorway to increase pathways of connection for millions of people.  Casting directors, talent agencies, directors, celebrities, acting coaches, directors, writers and working actors alike are all available to anyone who seeks them out.  Are you finding ways to connect with them?  There is much to learn.  Jump on social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) and start searching for connections that speak to your interest.  Be sure to keep your connections professional, poignant and purposeful: you don’t want to hound, annoy or distance them in anyway.  You’d be surprised as to how many industry professionals are willing to connect with you.  Start small, but start somewhere.  Here are some great starting points:  

  1. Actors
  2. Virtual Channel Network-
  3. Marci Liroff-
  4. Anthony Meindl-
  5. Backstage-

So that’s it.  I’d love to hear from you all about this post...what a great way to connect!  

Follow more from me on Twitter @benhodgestudios, learn more about my studio at and read more great acting information at  

Now get out there, make CONNECTIONS and keep finding ways to be COURAGEOUS!

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